
Creator higan bsnes emulators died
Creator higan bsnes emulators died

One of them is, because it will lead you into another level of hell that you just don't need right now. Then there's the problem of just believing at face value what people think about this site it that site.Īs I said, are people actually aware of NeoGAFs reputation in the wider gaming world? Is that reputation accurate? I would say no.Ĭlick to expand.I know you've probably heard this a bunch of times but hopefully I can put a newer spin on it- you can't blame yourself for this kind of thing, for a myriad of reasons. Its hypocritical to think that some site should be taken down if you are also participating in other sites where harassment and bullying happens daily.

creator higan bsnes emulators died

#Creator higan bsnes emulators died full

The Internet is just full of awfulness so why would I doubt it. Those evil sites that hardly anyone knows about or visits? Trust me they are just the worst. Yes, but you see > I << use Twitter and Facebook everyday so those CAN'T be shut down.

creator higan bsnes emulators died

People here ARE aware of how NeoGAF is seen in the wider gaming and Internet community, right? Most folk haven't even heard of Kiwi Farms but some random user here is just going to say "trust me it's bad they need taken down" before they shuffle off to share the same opinion on Facebook and Twitter while turning a blind eye to the exact same behavior going on right now (basically 24/7) on those platforms? However when something like this happens and a smaller platform is allegedly involved then it's all fair game. Bullying, harassment etc are seen as a problem with the users (and even groups that the users belong to off platform) and not the responsibility of the platform. Their forums also keep saying that services will continue to be disrupted unless they can find a provider, but I highly doubt there's any providers willing to take on that site after the fiasco.Ĭlick to expand.The rule seems to be that if it's a huge site like Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter or Reddit with corporate backing then the dark underbelly is just the cost of doing business. I don't want others to suffer a similar fate as them and I'm afraid that it will become worse if this keeps up, albeit with other peoples.ĮDIT: Dreamhost is now trying to do damage control: I know this is not the right way for you, but for me I just want all of this to end, even if it might not be want I want anyways. From BSNES creator's tweets, he had also lost one of his friends to a similar fate because of the forum's harassment. In truth, I feel really angry because someone I knew and did follow, has passed away in such a horrible way. So the fiasco on Twitter is the only way to at least get attention without involving personal information, although that forum will try to take advantage of these peoples regardless of the intent. Which in the case, might lead to your personal information being leaked.

creator higan bsnes emulators died

It's not advisable to try to send a DMCA takedown notice or report the forum to Cloudflare because they can forward it to the owner of said forum. That last sentence of yours may be correct, but in this case, once again, the problem is, according to this tweet: If the site doesn't go down, I don't really care anyways, but I hope peoples will use this information to mind and try to steer away from that site after what happened. I am not necessarily okay with it, so I'd say you're right, but in this situation I personally think they deserve it, whatnot with their previous offenses (starting from 5 years ago, when they got someone to commit suicide IRL).

Creator higan bsnes emulators died